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Tour Report 2024

Tour Report 2024

Mark Newson21 May - 12:45
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Country Roads....Take Me Home!

This weekend saw the clubs seniors venture to World-Famous Liverpool on their annual pilgrimage of beer, sight-seeing and rugby.
Fridays antics opened with the usual kit-inspection and once lots of Chilli Vodka and beer from a boot was consumed we were on our way to Sunny Merseyside.
En-route, whilst the tourists re-fueled at McDonalds some of the Virgins decided to commandeer some inflatable creatures to accompany us on our quest, much to the coach drivers bemusement.

Upon arrival in Liverpool, we had a quick splash of Brut at the hotel, then ventured out into the town and found numerous Irish pubs with live singers. After a few renditions of “Country Roads” (which would go on to become the Tour Anthem) and with our Irish-Pub loyalty cards stamped we moved on to the World-Famous Coyote Ugly Bar for some more refreshments and some evening entertainment. However, after working up an appetite throwing some shapes I left the Club 18-30s to it and met Tank and Mr Smith at the local food establishment for some light supper before retiring to my bed.

Saturday arrived and after breakfast at the Wold-Famous Cafe Tabac, we headed for Oldershaw RUFC where first, the important occasion of court was held.
More Chilli Vodka was consumed, beer kitty was topped up and 2 virgins were nominated to be the Sheriff’s horse for day.

With the tourists keen to get the rugby out of the way before the important afternoon’s beer drinking the game then kicked off.
The tourists started well with some quick try’s from the likes of Hart and Davidson. Lumpy Junior also scored and went on another barn-storming run up the pitch before offloading to Evans Junior for another. On the 20 minute mark however, the previous nights antics started to take effect and some of the Vets had to reluctantly come off the bench! (One of the great things about Tour has to be players playing with other club members they wouldn’t usually). Despite some valiant tackling from the visitors, Oldershaw managed to pull back for a 31-all score line at the interval. After a half-time snack of fermented herring the game re-started and Despite some good passages from the D’s, The Shaw managed to pull away with some pacey backs and well worked try’s. Final Score: Oldershaw more points, Dagenham less points.

After the game Tour Captain Sharples presented Oldershaw with the customary club shield and duly nominated man and dick of the match for the obligatory Zulu Warrior pint-downing. Joe Daniels and Jayden were then chosen for butler duties to keep the tourists hydrated for the afternoon and after a few more renditions of “Country Roads” the Sheriff instigated a game of Ibbly Dibbly and a wibbly wobbly race ensued in which Oldershaw won in a tie-break! After a sing-song, we said our goodbyes to our great hosts and headed back to the City starting off at the World-Famous Philharmonic Dining Rooms pub with its World-Famous toilet (Ringo Star once took a p*ss in there or so I’m told), before moving onto Riley’s sports bar for more refreshments and to watch the Fury v Usyk fight. After that the Club 18-30’s very kindly invited me out for a few more drinks in town (much to my regret come the morning!).

Come sunrise we once again visited Cafe Tabac before starting our cultural and historic city tour starting at the World-Famous Love Lane Brewery for some beer tasting and another important Court session. Pickled eggs eaten and beer kitty topped up we moved on to the World-Famous Pumphouse pub on the World-Famous Albert Dock. A glorious afternoon was had in the sunshine, drinking Mango Cider, playing games, making tour memories and entertaining the locals with yet more renditions of “Country Roads”. Before the afternoon turned to evening we took a stroll along the River Mersey, had a photo with the Beatles statue for the “Gram” and settled at the World-Famous Eric’s Club on the World-Famous Matthew Street for yet more refreshments.

Eric’s has previously hosted the likes of The Ramones and The Sex Pistols in the past and on Sunday 19th May it played host to the Dagenham Rugby Club Choir singing yet another rendition of “Country Roads” for the lucky other customers in attendance. Another great evening was had with the tourists singing and dancing in front of the live singers. Greg Hart standing out in particular with his slick Strictly dance moves!
After more pints of lager and cider than I could care to count I headed back to the hotel but I’m informed by the Club 18-30’s they enjoyed another visit to the tried and tested Coyote Ugly bar later that evening! On Monday morning we made it a hat-trick of Cafe Tabac breakfast visits before boarding the coach back to Sunny East London.

Thanks to Oldershaw for being great hosts and the tour committee that helped to organise. I say it every year but one of the best tours in my opinion with a top bunch of lads. It’s a privilege to participate in the legendary DRUFC Tours! Until next year……..Yeeeee-Haw!

More photos can be found by clicking HERE

Tourists 2024:
Sappo, R. Yellop, J. Yellop, P. Warner, C. Warner, J. Warner, P. Evans, O. Evans, Smith, A. Johnson, D. Johnson, Tank, L. Power Snr, L. Power Jnr, P. Power, Gredley, Davidson, Matthews, Ballard, Hart, Sharples, Davis, Fudge, Bing, Rawlinson, Newson, Darkwa the Elder, Darkwa the Younger, Carpenter, Daniels, W. Knowlden, Green, Howard

Further reading